Polygon Technologies started in 2002 as ignorant confidence plus a side order of passionate hard work, when Carel started, part-time, selling hardware kits for people to build their own MP3 players. In 2003, he lost a screw somewhere and decided to go it alone from his single garage. Poor guy… He had no idea what he was in for!

The business was contract development. People come with their requirements and he would design it for them. It was exciting, fascinating work and he designed everything from MP3 jukeboxes to gambling machines and who-knows-what-else.

After hitting his head really hard a few times, probably knocking out what remained of his screws, it dawned on him that we needed our own product. It has to be said that at the time, “we” consisted of only him, his dear, longsuffering wife and a number of assorted voices in his head.

It took a long time to eventually decide on the GSM Commander concept, and once decided, it took another 2 years for him to eventually get it done. In 2007, we launched the GSM Commander. Since then, the product has sold in excess of 60 000 units, as of 2023, and counting.

It has been a wild ride, sometimes scary, sometimes fun.