Remotely switch your equipment with a GSM Commander relay configured to your needs
The GSM Commander is an amazing GSM relay device for switching equipment.Simply connect via USB to a PC, from where you configure the device using Smartsetup software.

What if I told you that the matrix is real? That the (clearly crazy) customer also wanted to monitor the flow and pressure being delivered, the pump temperature as well as the water level in the adjacent reservoir? Blue pill anyone?
It gets worse…
What if you also needed to control physical access to the enclosure, monitor against cable theft and further protect it with a pepper gas dispenser system? It gets even worse…
What if all of that was not crazy enough, and you still wanted to add a rain meter and power the entire system via solar power and then monitor the entire contraption from your phone and have historical logs saved on the interweb?
It could get worse, but I think you get my point.
Yes. With the GSM Commander, it can be done.
Not interested in pumps? Great.. How about managing a fish farm? How about monitoring temperatures? Monitor backup batteries? Auto-start generators? Integrating with an existing alarm system? The list goes on and on…
What I am trying to say here, is that the GSM Commander is much more than a control GSM or communicator. It is a tool to help you invent solutions that add immense value to your customers. If you are creative in wanting to come up with solutions to diverse problems, the GSM Commander deserves a place in your box of tricks.
Interested? Have a look at our range of Commanders and accessories
Our list of happy customers include many well-known brands as shown at the bottom of this page. All these people have come to love the unique control gsm solution we have invented! Here is what some of them have to say:

“The GSM Commander notified the Condition Monitoring Technician of a high vibration alert on one of the gearboxes and did what it was supposed to do, Thank you!”

“It is encouraging to know that the product is backed by such an amazing team of dedicated professionals”

“Thanks guys for the dedication you show to this amazing product and to your customers!”

“The GSM Commander allows us to remain in full control of every wifi, camera and repeater site we deploy”