You are able to remotely control and monitor your pivot via your cell phone by installing the GSM Commander.
Also, use the device to monitor the cables on your pivot for theft.

The Commander allows you to remotely start and stop your pivot, change direction and alter the precipitation via your cell phone.
You can choose to send it a text message or even place a dropped call.
The device can be programmed to respond back to you to confirm the pivot has switched on/off.
You are able to monitor your pivot for critical alerts by having a GSM Commander installed. Some common monitoring aspects are:
- Cable Theft
- Pressure Monitoring
- Water Flow Monitoring
- Rainfall Monitoring
By placing a GSM Commander at your pump you are able to start and stop the pump via your cellphone.
You can choose to send it a text message or even place a dropped call.
The device can be programmed to respond back to you to confirm the pump has switched on/off.
Using a GSM Commander at your pumphouse enables you to monitor multiple aspects of your pump such as:
- Running hours of pump for maintenance
- Excessive Vibration and Temperature
- Pressure in pipeline
- Current of the pump (Amps)
- Presence of Power